Thursday, April 26, 2007

British climate scientists contest erroneous documentary

A group of British scientists has challenged a documentary film first aired in Britain in March. The film purports to present a "balanced" view on the causes of global warming by minimizing the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions and suggesting that the sun is primarily responsible. (Never mind that there is no hard evidence in recent decades that solar variations are a factor.) This film has circulated the Internet and has been discredited by various climate scientists, starting with one who actually appeared in the film, Carl Wunsch. After seeing the film, Wunsch wrote a letter to the producers claiming that he was "swindled" because the film completely misrepresented his statements. The film is called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" - nice title for a film that pretends to take a balanced view, isn't it? See New Film on Global Warming Is Challenged.

Meanwhile in the U.S., California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has threatened to sue the EPA if it doesn't act soon on his state's proposal to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars. See Schwarzenegger warns of Calif. suit against EPA.

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