Thursday, March 29, 2007

Who is walking the walk here?

While Al Gore has been criticized for an energy-wasting home, President Bush has a ranch that is "off-grid" utilizing geothermal energy for heating and cooling. Gore by the way, pays more for green sources of energy with attempts to install solar panels stalled by zoning regulations.

While watching "The Boomer Century" on PBS, I was reminded of the hope and optimicsm that President John Kennedy instilled in our nation in the early 60's that culminated with a tremendous technological achievement - a moon landing in less than 10 years. Mr. Bush had the opportunity at the start of his administation to propel the U.S. into a new era of confidence and action toward the mitigation of climate change, which no doubt would have been a much more significant legacy than the current "war on terror." Instead, his administration obfuscated the scientific evidence and consensus for anthropgenic global warming and continues to initiate legislation that will hurt nature and environment.

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