TV documentary tries but fails to link climate change to solar activity
Here is a good example of the misinformation and distortion that is often presented to confound the public in the guise of "balanced" reporting: In Britain, a TV documentary that claimed global warming is a "swindle" was found to present old data and to "fluff" it out a bit to make it look more contemporary. It also ommitted true, recent findings, for example (quoted from The real global warming swindle):
Another "swindle" was perpetrated on Carl Wunsch, one climate scientist who agreed to particpate in this documentary - after seeing the film he realized he was lied to about its purpose and found himself quoted out of context in a such a way as to sound like he was supporting the view that the oceans are responsible for emitting CO2. He immediately decried this in his letter to the head of production at Wag TV - see his recount and the reader commentary that follows which includes his actual letter: Swindled!
Arguments from skeptics tend to dwell on old data and repeat points that have been refuted with recent evidence and observation. Don't fall for this type of "balanced" view!
The programme failed to point out that scientists had now explained the period of "global cooling" between 1940 and 1970. It was caused by industrial emissions of sulphate pollutants, which tend to reflect sunlight. Subsequent clean-air laws have cleared up some of this pollution, revealing the true scale of global warming - a point that the film failed to mention.
Another "swindle" was perpetrated on Carl Wunsch, one climate scientist who agreed to particpate in this documentary - after seeing the film he realized he was lied to about its purpose and found himself quoted out of context in a such a way as to sound like he was supporting the view that the oceans are responsible for emitting CO2. He immediately decried this in his letter to the head of production at Wag TV - see his recount and the reader commentary that follows which includes his actual letter: Swindled!
Arguments from skeptics tend to dwell on old data and repeat points that have been refuted with recent evidence and observation. Don't fall for this type of "balanced" view!
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