Friday, March 9, 2007

EU leads the way...

The International Herald Tribune reports today:
As part of the energy efficiency measures outlined at the European Union summit, the European Commission will make proposals to replace incandescent bulbs with low- energy fixtures in private homes across the European Union by 2009. Street lamps could be next.

As part of its drive to slash greenhouse gases, the Commission is also pleading with Europeans to turn off unused appliances such as televisions that expend electricity if left on when not being used. It estimates that step alone would save individual consumers up to €84, or $110, a year.

The Commission recently endorsed a blueprint that would impose a limit on carbon dioxide emissions from new cars averaging 130 grams a kilometer by 2012. Governments are also eager to increase fuel efficiency by improving infrastructure like roads.

In practice, that could mean better paved highways over the next 10 years, as well as a new push by manufacturers toward smaller, more energy-efficient cars. The commission's own consultants expect the cap could sharply increase the retail price of a new car, partly because of the expense car companies would incur producing more efficient cars.
See EU energy targets will bring better efficiency

Meanwhile, the U.S. and Brazil have signed an agreement to develop alternative fuel sources. Bush actually said, "We see the bright and real potential for our citizens being able to use alternative sources of energy that will promote the common good." US-Brazil deal to boost bio-fuels

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