Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sir Martin Rees: Earth in its final century?

From the origins of our universe to our dying sun 6 billion years afterward, Sir Martin Rees discusses why the 21st century is a crucial moment for humanity: the first time in history when we can materially change ourselves and our planet.
"In just 50 years, that's one hundredth of one millionth of the earth's age, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has started to rise enormously fast... A race of advanced extraterrestials watching our solar system from afar... could they have predicted this unprecedented spike less than half way through the earth's life, these human-induced alterations occupying overall, less than a millionth of the [Earth's] elapsed lifetime, seemingly occurring with runaway speed..."
Rees gives a talk and presentation with astonishing images from cosmology. He beckons the wisdom of Einstein, calling for scientists to help guide us morally through the precarious developments ahead and hopefully, preserve humanity's existence and continued evolution. See this 17-minute video of Rees' presentation published online at TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design).

Sir Martin Rees is an eminent astronomer and cosmologist at the University of Cambridge and the UK's Astronomer Royal. He is considered a key thinker on the future of humanity in the cosmos. His book "Our Final Hour" discusses the impending threats to the human race.

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