Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Do biofuels come with too high a price?

The International Energy Agency forecasts that the world could produce as much as 147 million tons of agro-fuel over the next 23 years. Unfortunately, this may be accompanied by much more carbon and nitrous oxide emissions, erosion and more than two billion tons of waste water. This biofuel will hardly offset yearly increases in global oil demand, currently at 136 million tons a year.

The agri-foods industry pillars, like ADM, Cargill and Bunge, are surrounded by an equally formidable consolidation of agro-chemical, seed and machinery companies on one side and food processors, distributors and supermarket chains on the other. Will the market power of agro-fuel corporations and the rush toward biofuels lead to additional environmental upset and disaster? See The Great Biofuel Hoax.

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