Friday, June 1, 2007

Europeans are cool to U.S. plan to combat climate change

President Bush, in anticipation of a summit in Germany of the Group of Eight industrial nations, said that he would seek a joint plan for long-term cuts in greenhouse gases.

"The declaration by President Bush basically restates the U.S. classic line on climate change -- no mandatory reductions, no carbon trading and vaguely expressed objectives," EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said... See Europeans cool to Bush plan on climate change.

Meanwhile, the head of NASA has come under fire after statements he made in an interview with National Public Radio. Defending NASA's plans to establish a moon base followed by a manned mission to Mars, the NASA chief said that global warming is not a problem that he's convinced we should wrestle with. House Science and Technology Committee Chairman Bart Gordon said,"Based on NASA's own five-year budget plan, the agency will be unable to start any of the new Earth observations initiatives recommended by the National Academies for the foreseeable future. That's not going to get us where we need to be in our understanding of climate change. See Head of NASA downplays global warming.



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